Take 10 popular Chick Gospel Tracts with you and view anytime on your phone! Share these little discussion starters with your friends.
These are some of the same stories that are available as inexpensive little printed tracts from the Chick website (http://www.chick.com). With over 800 million in print, they are a global phenomenon. Make sure your friends don’t miss out on it. These tracts teach important principles from the Bible.
Once installed onto your phone, you can view the tracts off-line without requiring a data connection (website links require data connection).
If your phone uses Android Operating System version 2.2 or later then this application will be installed automatically onto your SD card and will use a minimal amount of internal memory.
If you enjoy using this application then please leave us a good review. Thank you for downloading :-)
Ambil 10 populer Tercipta Injil Tracts dengan Anda dan melihat kapan saja pada ponsel Anda! Bagi ini permulaan diskusi kecil dengan teman-teman Anda.
Ini adalah beberapa cerita yang sama yang tersedia sebagai murah traktat dicetak kecil dari situs Tercipta (http://www.chick.com). Dengan lebih dari 800 juta di cetak, mereka adalah fenomena global. Pastikan teman-teman Anda tidak kehilangan itu. traktat ini mengajarkan prinsip-prinsip penting dari Alkitab.
Setelah diinstal ke ponsel Anda, Anda dapat melihat saluran off-line tanpa memerlukan koneksi data (link website memerlukan koneksi data).
Jika ponsel Anda menggunakan Sistem Operasi Android versi 2.2 atau yang lebih baru maka aplikasi ini akan terinstal secara otomatis ke kartu SD Anda dan akan menggunakan jumlah minimal memori internal.
Jika Anda menikmati menggunakan aplikasi ini maka silakan tinggalkan kami review yang baik. Terima kasih telah mengunduh :-)
Take 10 popular Chick Gospel Tracts with you and view anytime on your phone! Share these little discussion starters with your friends.
These are some of the same stories that are available as inexpensive little printed tracts from the Chick website (http://www.chick.com). With over 800 million in print, they are a global phenomenon. Make sure your friends don’t miss out on it. These tracts teach important principles from the Bible.
Once installed onto your phone, you can view the tracts off-line without requiring a data connection (website links require data connection).
If your phone uses Android Operating System version 2.2 or later then this application will be installed automatically onto your SD card and will use a minimal amount of internal memory.
If you enjoy using this application then please leave us a good review. Thank you for downloading :-)